Monday 25 April 2016

Celebrity Tarot Card Reader -Spiritual Life Coach Monica- Gurgaon

#Good things comes to those who #wait#Patienceis #key to #success. Staying positive thinking positive is one of #powerful way of attracting positive things in life. Our subconcious mind is responsible for all of our situations #whateever we think, we #VIBRATE in universe and the same is attracted in our life multiplied.
There are #Divine Tools available to know what is karmas and memories stored in our subconcious mind and what are root cause of all the issues we are facing in life.
Consult us today to book an appointment with me for #Solutions#remedies#readings , trainings.
I Help via #tarotreadings #reikitraining#pyschicreadings #coffeereadings #runesreadings#numerology #astroremedies #vasturemedies ,#angelcardreadings#angeltherapy,#Crystalremedies #spells #candlehealing etc.
#Schedule an #Appointment
#8826826749 / #9810314351

Love and Light
Monica Agrawal
#Spiritual Life Coach/#Reiki Grandmaster/#CoffeeCup Reader /#Ace Numerologist/#Internationally #Renowned #Tarot #Card #Reader

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Content subject to copyright @Monica Agrawal.

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