Tuesday 21 July 2015

learn tarot card reading in delhi south delhi east delhi

Tarot reading sessions upto 45 min consists of full reading on any aspect of your life or focusing on any question going in your mind or any particular area of your life.

Tarot card reading for 30 mins for individual.

Tarot card reading one hour session as couple reading.

Tarot reading via phone is also available. There is no difference in accuracy and readings as Monica can access the energy via distant mode also.

Solutions and complete and regular guidance and councelling is also available on need basis.

Angel card reading. Specifically used to get universe messages for the person and guidance.

Candle Magic charged candles for goal manifesting. Candles colours and meanings hold powerful energies if used with right ritual and affirmations and spells.

Tarot and candle spell .  A very effective and powerful method which has solution to any of your problem which directly works with your subconscious mind, soul and universe and makes things miraculously possible.

Tarot courses

Basic course. 

Duration 3 days
Tarot card reader
History and origin of tarot
Major arcana cards meanings upright and reverse
Minor arcana. Meanings upright and reverse
Meditation to connect with cards
Breathing Meditation
Third eye activation techniques
Attunement to cards
Attunement for card reading and third eye opening
Various tarot Spreads
How to clear ur cards, charging your cards, storing your cards
Practical real readings practice

Includes.  Tarot deck, manuals and kit, crystal to keep in tarot box

Tarot Advance course
professional Tarot card reader and Teacher
Duration.  7 days
Basic course of tarot inclusive of all syllabus of basic course
Basics of astrology
Basics of tarot numerology
Candle spell and magic, including art of casseomancy
Tarot card as meditation tool and spell for manifesting wishes
Practical session of tarot spell
Attunement giving skills and training
Advance tarot spreads and making your own spread
Meditations advance
Angel card readings
Handling complicated clients

Includes,  tarot deck, tarot book, manual and kit, candles, box and spreadsheet
Some common tarot and candle spell provided in written.

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